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Moving to Cloud Based Solutions in Insurance
Faheem Shakeel
Faheem Shakeel Posted on Jun 3, 2024   |  4 Min Read

In this digital-first era, the insurance industry is facing a pivot or perish situation. Businesses either have to bite the bullet and modernize their IT infrastructure or lose a chunk of their business. The latter would be due to inflexible operations, failure to scale, sluggish innovation, and unsustainable operational costs.

While the choice is a no-brainer, there may be slight confusion on how to proceed with the former. Fortunately, this journey of a thousand miles starts with a few teetering steps of digital transformation – more specifically by moving to cloud-based operations.

Cloud Adoption in Insurance Industry

Cloud-based insurance solutions have emerged as a transformative force promising to usher in a new age of insurance. New-age digital insurance businesses including InsurTechs leverage cloud infrastructure for rapid scaling of operations up or down based on demand, optimize costs through its pay-as-you-go pricing model, access data in real-time from anywhere anytime to work together seamlessly. These qualities of agility, scalability, and security unlock a new plane of customer-centricity, growth, and efficiency. If you are looking to enjoy such outcomes, then this blog is your trusted guide. Here’s a roadmap for cloud computing in the insurance industry.

The Value Proposition of Cloud Adoption in the Insurance Industry

First things first, what do cloud-based insurance solutions bring to the table? Here’s a quick overview:

  • Scalability and agility
    Insurance businesses can scale up or down depending on immediate or long-term requirements. This ability makes insurers highly responsive to fluctuating needs without acting as a drain on resources.

  • Enhanced security
    Vendors offering cloud services for insurance make it an intentional point to incorporate top-notch data security and privacy measures. As a result, businesses can delegate such critical operations to cybersecurity experts and stay protected.

  • Cost efficiency
    Investing in cloud solutions for insurance agents proves to be a financially prudent decision in more than one way. First, it eliminates the need for upfront investments in hardware and IT infrastructure. Next, insurers can pick a suitable pay-as-you-use model. Finally, the compounding returns would greatly overshadow the initial investment.

  • Data-driven framework
    Cloud-based insurance solutions harness real-time data and analytics to draw meaningful insights and deploy smart strategies across the insurance value chain. As a result, insurers can make informed decisions regarding everything – from underwriting to claims processing.

  • Faster innovation
    Cloud services for insurance act as fertile grounds for businesses to incorporate new-age technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and more. As a result, insurers will find it easier to innovate and keep up with the changing trends.

Migrating to Cloud-Based Insurance Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now, here’s the promised roadmap for insurance businesses looking to migrate to the cloud:

Step 1: Requirement Assessment and Strategizing

During this stage, you must:

  • Analyze existing IT infrastructure, such as security protocols and data storage needs. Test the compatibility of these existing systems with cloud-based operations.
  • Determine which cloud migration strategy is suitable, a lift-and-shift approach or an absolute re-engineering of workflows.
  • Identify the processes that would be largely impacted by this migration, and how the revamped version of it would look on the cloud. For instance, paperwork may be replaced with digital forms.
  • List cloud migration goals – ideally, define them using SMART parameters. For example 10% cost savings in Q3 or a 20-point increase in the Customer Satisfaction score (CSAT).
  • Define their short-term and long-term requirements, along with the corresponding features and specifications. For instance, you would need a private financial services cloud for insurance for granular data control and security.

Step 2: Selecting a Trusted Cloud Partner

Here’s where you conduct market-wide research for selecting a reputable cloud provider. This involves:

  • Evaluating major cloud service providers and assessing their industry experience, security compliance, scalability, etc. based on organizational requirements.
  • Connecting with existing or past customers of the shortlisted options and acquiring lived-in experience to get a realistic idea.
  • Building a Request for Proposal (RFP) that templatizes the selection criteria for potential cloud partners.
  • Signing up for a demo to witness how the cloud infrastructure would support business processes.

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Step 3: Strategizing and Implementing Cloud Migration

In this stage, you will work out the specific details of the cloud migration process, which includes:

  • Begin the migration process with non-critical applications to build experience and minimize potential risk.
  • Work with the cloud service partner to prepare a detailed migration plan with well-defined timelines, resource allocation, and rollback procedures.
  • Assign responsibilities to internal and external stakeholders to streamline change management.
  • Allocate resources for the training and onboarding of employees to work in the cloud environment.

Step 4: Process Optimization and Continuous Improvement

Cloud migration is never a set-it-and-forget-it thing. To ensure that you get the most out of this business decision you must:

  • Monitor and analyze cloud performance to identify areas of cost optimization or resource allocation.
  • Refine and automate business processes in the cloud ecosystem to offer an additional push to operational efficiency.
  • Update and adapt security protocols to keep up with ever-evolving threats or regulatory requirements.
  • Implement the next stage of cloud migration.

The Future of Cloud-Based Insurance Solutions

Cloud computing in the insurance industry is laying a stable foundation for the future of the sector. It offers insurers the opportunity to unlock a new era of agility, efficiency, and innovation.

Plus, the advancements in data analytics and the refinement of technologies like AI and ML will empower insurers to harness the true power and potential of cloud-based insurance. From infusing efficiency to expanding outreach to making insurance collaborative – the sky is the limit for cloud-based insurance solutions. Of course, insurers should stay mindful of certain challenges revolving around data security, legal and regulatory compliance, legacy systems integration, and vendor lock-in. However, most of these concerns can be assuaged by choosing the right cloud partner.

So, use the above roadmap to get your insurance business in the cloud!

Case in Focus

In a cloud success story, a leading financial services provider struggled with disconnected legacy systems. We helped them migrate to a cloud-based, unified customer experience portal. This not only streamlined operations and enhanced customer satisfaction but also delivered millions in cost savings.

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